Lead Routing AI Component: 5 Steps to Achieve Your Leads Marketing Success

What is lead routing?
[row v_align=”middle”] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]Lead routing is a mechanism that automatically routes the leads on the basis of zip code, product of interest, lead score or any other criteria relevant to your business. Without any advanced software, it will take longer time to analyze countless data. Here are 5 steps in creating an effective lead routing process that you definitely don’t want to miss out!
[/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”2211″] [/col] [/row]Step 1: Lead capture automation
[ux_image id=”2212″ margin=”0px 0px 20px 0px”]Get an effective AI-powered lead management software to capture all of the lead received automatically. This will ensure that each lead is fed into the system right at the point of origin, preventing lead leakage of any sort. In addition, in getting effective leads, try to capture leads from different digital platforms. When you generate leads, automation kicks in to put them in the right place at the right time with no involvement from you after setup.
Step 2: Lead Tracking
[ux_image id=”2213″ margin=”0px 0px 13px 0px”]After getting the lead, it is advice for you to keep on track where the lead goes. When the leads were captured, the lead management software would start tracking the activities and behavior of that lead, such as the services that clients are interested in, their visited pages and forms they’re filling. During this step, you can attain more about the current trend of the clients in order for you to plan a strategy that will suit and reach your target.
Step 3: Lead Distribution
[ux_image id=”2214″ margin=”0px 0px 13px 0px”]Lead distribution works in automating the delivery from digital leads to salespeople or lead buyers. This system is auto-assign where it leads based on advanced deep learning filtering and scoring algorithms from the lead management software. This would make your sales team able to contact the lead before your competitors to get a definite advantage when it swiftly captures the leads and brilliantly sends them accordingly to its specific factors.
Step 4: Lead Enrichment
[ux_image id=”2215″ margin=”0px 0px 13px 0px”]The best thing about this system is that it can drive multiple leads in a shorter time. Being able to view every single activity that your team ever had with a lead is such a vital thing. Besides, re-market to your opt-in clients via SMS & Email Autoresponders for a higher ROI is made possible. Lead enrichment allows your sales organization to make certain its data is complete, of high quality, and up-to-date and these are important as it will make sure the data you have is accurate which is crucial for your company.
Step 5: Lead Nurturing
[ux_image id=”2216″ margin=”0px 0px 13px 0px”]Some leads may not buy at the moment. Thus, use a deep learning algorithm in your lead management software to identify which customers have a higher chance to be converted to actual sales. There are plenty of reasons why you need deep learning in lead nurturing. One of them is because it can develop and reinforce the sending of personalized and relevant content to prospects and customers at every stage of their buying journeys. Start nurturing those leads who are not immediately interested and give them a good experience in whatever they wanted from you.
A good lead routing is when the software can drive leads to your sales team. Through these 5 simple steps, your company is ready to create effective leads that will bring productivity and competence to your business using this automated system. Now that you know what the lead routing process is, you should be thinking of which lead routing software fits best for your company. It is time to bid farewell to traditional routing leads. Speak to our SEO Malaysia expert to get a FREE Ai Powered Lead Routing System when you subscribe with NexODN.
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