Why SEO matters for businesses during this pandemic

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Why SEO matters for businesses during this pandemic

The implication of Covid 19 impacting most businesses is unprecedented.All those years of endless efforts and struggles have gone down the drain. Every industry around the globe is struggling to the core but one thing that is sounds too good to be true ; Internet usage amongst searchers is higher than it has ever been despite the new norm has caused equity volatility now. This is where SEO plays a vital role. SEO is indeed part of a comprehensive marketing strategy that can help omit the uncertainty, complexity in Covid-19 environment. 

How Covid-19 impacted AI SEO performance? 

Strengthening marketing strategies through digital presence and content marketing is relevant now. The pandemic has increased the usage of the internet exponentially regardless of the crisis.Most brands now would want to expand their target audience into e-commerce. Business selling products and services shifting their buying strategies and activity towards online

channels. The panic that caused brand owners now forced them to restrategize their advertising and marketing spend as a whole. 

Business owners now had no choice but to close down their physical stores and turn their products into e-commerce.It is undeniable that consumers are turning their interests to online markets to meet their demands and needs because consumers now spend more time scrolling down their smart devices.Therefore, it is highly important that businesses should focus more on high quality digital contents that will engage consumers through mobile devices for future success. 

Why is AI SEO important for businesses to combat the pandemic?

Now businesses have to become reliant than ever on SEO digital marketing. Owners now struggling to keep up with the challenges ensuring to stay afloat in the market. Earning the top spot on Google search ranking requires knowledge, time, effort and….of course money to elevate your strategy. Here’s why business owners should strategize their marketing digitally.

1. People aggressively search for everything online

Larger companies now need to start thinking about forging ahead into digital experiences because it is the clear winner here.With companies that may not so much into Facebook page before,need to step into social media and content marketing or campaigns that can influence your consumers digitally. Consumers now rely so much on social media that they can’t live without their smartphones and feel obligated to keep up to latest trends and updates. This is the crucial time where businesses need to take the advantage of creating mind-blowing content. 

2. AI SEO is not for pandemic but a lifetime

There is a lot to consider for SEO strategy but whether you like it or not, AI SEO stays relevant with or without the pandemic. The shift in consumer behaviour is unpredictable, trends come and go,but unlikely artificial intelligence (AI) will go anytime sooner. Believe or not, with the right and full AI SEO service, the cost is still effective. Purchasing software that can guide you through sometimes involving no cost at all. SEO is just working on a great content and adding keywords relevant to the algorithms. That’s the beauty of AI SEO.

3. Look for ways differently to keep up with the trends

The key is to stay evergreen as possible. You want your business to be known. But be mindful in writing about topics that relate to your business.It might easily trick you into thinking that people actually look up online and find your products. These pages will decline in traffic over time, because high brands will most likely dominate the first page of google. Hence, what you can do is look for high long-tail keywords making your topics even more valuable. Remember, there is never a time that goes wrongly to publish such topics as the traffic accumulates over time.

4. A critical business growth for long-term 

You manage to earn your spot in the first page of Google, but you are afraid of losing your spot anytime sooner. Fret not, getting back to your spot is a matter of content revision or making tweaks into it. This is why AI SEO is such a big deal during this pandemic, benefits you in a way that you can imagine and predict. Brands that already worked to rank up their rankings are now enjoying their traffic benefits with no additional help from SEO viewpoint

5. Building valuable trust with your consumers is prominent. 

Product images, good text, original content, good reviews and it goes on. These can help build trust with consumers. Google loves originality. Keeping its originality as possible can be a value added to gain trust amongst your consumers through the right AI SEO. For example, by displaying reviews shows buyers you have nothing to hide and you are proud of your brand.

Indirectly, Google will put high in google search ranking especially ranking highly for your brand gives inherent trust in the eyes of consumers. 


You can try to outsmart google because it will take some time to crawl a lot of information. People slowly learned to adapt to this new norm, marketing remains to be one of most expensive investments. But SEO surprisingly is an inexpensive venture that businesses can look into. But you have to play your part and follow some restrictions even if you can only see the results for the next three to six months.If using click-bait tactics sound smart to you, don’t you think it is likely to backfire just because you want your business to be visible? Would it be worth it at the end. Speak to our AI SEO Expert to guide you through the full AI SEO.


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